The Nai Ni Who Festival is back!


Nai Ni Who is back again this year and kicks off this Saturday July 16th, 2016  at Undugu Grounds, Kibra. An intiative of the GoDown Arts Centre Nai Ni Who? showcases the diverse cultures of Nairobi in the  various neighborhoods  and transforms them  into platforms for sharing Nairobi’s  histories and stories, along with celebrating its people, their neighbourhood assets and cultures.

Since it launched in 2013, the festival has mobilized residents of Nairobi to engage with both the positive and challenging aspects of the city, with a view to expressing pride for and ownership of their city.

This year, as in previous festivals, The GoDown Arts Centre has been engaging in prefestival meetings with residents in the various neighborhoods, planning the events and programs for the celebrations. Nai Ni Who 2016 will include action in the neighbourhoods of Kibra, Kamukunji, Kilimani and the South B-Mukuru.

There will also be activities in the City Centre, comprising free city walking tours in the weekends, led by youthful guides who have undergone  training on the histories and stories behind the streets and buildings in the CBD.

In the coming weeks there will be lots of publicity surrounding the event with street billboards, flyers and social media content doing the rounds with illustrations drawn from the distinctive style of Nairobi artist Michael Soi. For those who will attend the neighborhood festivals and activities, there will be free t-shirts given to the participants.

Already lined up by the neighbourhoods are parades, concerts, clean-up activities, markets and sports events. Children from Nairobi’s city schools will also have a chance to know their city through visits organized for them by the Nai Ni Who festival to the National Park, the National Museums, Karura Forest and other destinations.

To be in the know of what will be happening throughout the festival you can follow their Facebook page at Nai Ni Who?, Twitter @NainiWho and Instagram at @nainiwho_official.

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